Visegrad 4 reform and integration experience reflected by best essayists

Five university students from Moldova and Visegrad countries were awarded for their essays written within the realm of the project “Debating the European Union: Visegrad4 Experience”. During the implementation of the project, students wrote essays on the relevance of Visegrad4 reform and integration experience for Moldova’s European Integration.

Lenka Fořtová

Lenka Fořtová

Lenka Fořtová, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

„The V4 since their accession try to make most of all these benefits EU offers, even though each country with varying success. The same awaits for Moldova.“

Essay can be read here:


Mihail Popsoi

Mihail Popsoi

Mihail Popsoi, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary

“…the only way forward for Moldova and its people is building a culture of respect for the law and each other. V4 countries can lend us a friendly hand, but it is the Moldovans who have to do the heavy lifting and, once and for all, stop looking back.”

Essay can be read here:



Augustin Ignatov

Augustin Ignatov

Augustin Ignatov, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova

“In my opinion, the only opportunity for us is the European Union, but to join it we must work much more than we could even imagine, but being based on Visegrad countries example we could achieve good results in optimal terms.”

Essay can be read here:


Jairo Molina Guerrero

Jairo Molina Guerrero

Jairo Molina Guerrero, Collegium Civitas, Warsaw, Poland
„We could summarize that V4 member states and the Visegrad Fund, should support Moldovan authorities helping them with policies aimed to develop their democratic institutions, giving aids to modernize their economy and backing the Moldovan authorities when it comes to the European integration and the process of reforms related to it.“

Essay can be read here:


Samuel Goda

Samuel Goda

Samuel Goda, Matej Bel University, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia
„Countries from the V4 region are well equipped to assist Moldovans on their euro-integration path. Each V4 country should identify its strength or field of expertise which could be afterwards transferred to Moldova. Finding common V4 strategy towards Moldova could be a first step.“

Essay can be read here:

“Debating the European Union: Visegrad 4 Experience” is a MESA10 project supported by the International Visegrad Fund and implemented in cooperation with partners from Visegrad countries and Moldova. The project aims at sharing the EU integration and reform experience of Visegrad countries with Moldova and at strengthening the understanding of reforms needed on its European path via innovative live debates of University students from Visegrad countries and Moldova.