At the end of the 2017 Fall Semester, MESA10 from Slovakia and CEAS from Serbia jointly carried out a survey with the following results: 69 percent of university students from […]
University Students from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovakia believe in value of European cooperation, of democracy and in their own participation in public life of their respective […]
In accordance with a survey, undertaken in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovakia in December 2016, university students want their countries to remain or to join the European […]
MESA10 and CEAS Press release 7.12.2016 First round of student debates between seven universities from Slovakia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Moldova within the project “Strengthening Debating Skills and […]
From October 2016, MESA10 and Center for Euro – Atlantic Studies (CEAS) continue to work with two universities from Serbia (the University of Belgrade and University of Novi Sad) and […]
Spring round of debates between Slovak and Serbian university students was held in Bratislava on 26 April, 2016 and in Banská Bystrica on 27 April, 2016. In Bratislava, teams of […]
More than one hundred students took part in the third year of debates between the Slovak and Serbian universities, which were held on 23 and 24 November in Belgrade, Novi […]
Prezident M.E.S.A. 10 Ivan Mikloš v rozhovore pre magazín hovorí o tom, ako vojna urýchľuje reformy na Ukrajine, prečo sa Putin prepočítal, a prečo pomôže integrácia Ukrajiny východnému Slovensku. […]
Slovensko sa v celosvetovom rebríčku rozpočtovej transparentnosti prepadlo o 15 priečok na celkové 30. miesto zo 102 zúčastnených krajín. K poklesu došlo aj v regionálnom porovnaní, kde sa Slovensko so ziskom 57 […]