From 15th to 17th April 2015 representatives of the project partners from Kosovo, Marimangat e Pejes, and Montenegro, Planinarski Ski-Klub “HAJLA”, took part in a study visit in Bratislava and […]
Visegrad countries (V4) continue to support Moldova in its effort of closer ties with the European Union. In addition to that, they have a wide-reaching experience with reforms and EU […]
More than ¾ of university students from Moldova and Visegrad countries believe that the reform and integration experience of Visegrad countries is useful to Moldova. Graph 1: Reform and EU […]
Five university students from Moldova and Visegrad countries were awarded for their essays written within the realm of the project “Debating the European Union: Visegrad4 Experience”. During the implementation of […]
Kosovo Business Forum in Bratislava took place on 2nd and 3rd February 2015 in the Bratislava’s Park Inn Danube Hotel. It was a historically first meeting between Kosovo and Slovakia […]
Obecné noviny 3-4, 20.januára 2015, str. 12-17 Projekt bol podporený Islandom, Lichtenštajnskom a Nórskom prostredníctvom Programu Aktívne občianstvo a inklúzia, ktorý realizuje Nadácia Ekopolis v spolupráci s Nadáciou pre deti […]
The future of Central Europe and its role in a wider EU context were discussed at the Euromoney Conference in Vienna on 20 January, 2015. More than 120 participants in the […]
M.E.S.A.10 v spolupráci s Balkans Gateway vás pozýva na prvé Kosovo Business Forum za účasti primátora hlavného mesta Prištiny Shpenda Ahmetiho a bývalej ministerky obchodu a priemyslu, súčasnej primátorky mesta Gjakova Mimozy Kusari Lila, […]
M.E.S.A. 10 is a partner in ZIP Institute project sponsored by the International Visegrad Fund and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea, invites applications from Macedonia […]