Civil Democratic Development (Civil De-De) is an innovative project advancing civil excellence through utilization of a web-based platform for capacity building of CSOs focused on organized crime, corruption and illegal […]
Министр – политическая фигура. Это должен быть не иностранец, а украинец Юрий Панченко, Европейская правда _ Пятница, 28 ноября 2014, 08:20 По-русски Українською Нынешняя Словакия – одна из самых успешных […]
Slovak economist criticizes Ukraine’s bloated public expenditures, corrupt taxation KyivPost, November 28, 2014, 10:45 a.m. | Business — by Ivan Verstyuk Ivan Miklos, a member of Slovak parliament and country’s former […]
MESA10 v spolupráci s partnermi Banskobystrickým samosprávnym krajom a Nórskou univerzitou pre vedu a výskum v Trondheime (NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS – nezávislý výskumný inštitút univerzity NTNU, Nórsko) realizuje. projekt s názvom Podpora integrácie inštitucionalizovaných klientov do […]
Zverejňujeme dokumenty, ktoré vznikli v rámci projektu „Podpora integrácie inštitucionalizovaných klientov do lokálnych komunít na príklade pilotného územia Banskobystrického kraja“ (projekt SS-1-14), ktorý sme realizovali v spolupráci s partnermi: Banskobystrický samosprávny kraj a NTNU […]
V4 has great chance here not just to bring Moldova on the path of integration to the EU (author at this point sees it as synonymous to European integration) but to actually functional state.
Czech Republic
Author: Václav Kříž
University: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Social Science, 5th Year
Political elites begun to criticise deeper integration instead of promoting the idea of united Europe. They also blamed EU for problems in agriculture, protection of traditional brand of national products and adoption of meaningless regulations. But all of those were actually caused by badly negotiated terms of integration and too strict adoption of EU law framework.
Czech Republic
Author: Jan Kříž
University: Faculty of Law of Charles University in Prague, 2nd Year
On 12 November, 2014 a number of NGOs from Slovakia, including MESA10, signed a declaration aiming to elaborate an assistance program for Ukraine. As the declaration says: ” We have […]
The V4 group should not only convince the EU to be more enthusiastic with its offers, making Moldavian ambitions to be reflected on EU representatives’ declaration on future adhesion, (Dariusz Kałan, 2013) but also and more important, to engage Moldova more in Visegrád cooperation, which may become a first step towards approaching the EU.
Author: Jairo Molina Guerrero
University: Collegium Civitas, International Relations, second year.