At the link bellow, you may find the main conclusions and results of a survey among University students from seven universities in five countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and […]
University Debates Workshop October 14, 2019 MESA10, in cooperation with its partner, Center for Euro-Atlantic Studies in Belgrade (CEAS), launched the continuation of the project of innovative online debates between the […]
As a part of University Debates project, the teams prepared EU Policy Recommendations and presented them to the members of the European Parliament. The full text of recommendations can be […]
On 8 April, 2019 MESA10 and CEAS Serbia organized a Spring Debate in Banská Bystrica in Slovakia within the framework of the project University Debates. Student teams from 7 universities, […]
The close of 2018 pushed the opinions of university students towards more pessimism and less confidence in international affairs. This is what the results of the Fall Semester Survey (1780 […]
Vzdelanie je budúcnosť. Venujte svoje 2 % pre lepšiu budúcnosť slovenského školstva. Cieľom projektu To dá rozum je zlepšenie stavu slovenského školstva tak, aby reflektoval individuálne potreby každého učiaceho sa a […]
MESA10, in cooperation with its partner, Center for Euro-Atlantic Studies in Belgrade (CEAS), launched the continuation of the project of innovative online debates between the university students from Serbia, Moldova, […]
On 25 April, 2018 the teams of university students presented their recommendations on EU policy to the members of the European Parliament. Students wrote a policy brief on a topic of […]
At the end of the 2017 Fall Semester, MESA10 from Slovakia and CEAS from Serbia jointly carried out a survey with the following results: 69 percent of university students from […]