Second round of debates between students from universities in Slovakia and Serbia continued also from 5 to 7 November 2013. This time, debates were dedicated to relations of Serbia and […]
Debates of University students from Serbia and Slovakia continue on November 5th and 7th, 2013. Students from four Universities will exchange their opinions and arguments on the topic of NATO […]
MESA10 v spolupráci s partnermi Banskobystrickým samosprávnym krajom a Nórskou univerzitou pre vedu a výskum v Trondheime (NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS – nezávislý výskumný inštitút univerzity NTNU, Nórsko) začala realizovať v septembri t.r. projekt s názvom Podpora integrácie […]
An opinion poll undertaken by MESA10 within the framework of its project of Debates between the University Students from Serbia and Slovakia shows that the students believe that Slovakia, as […]
On May 14, 2013 and May 16, 2013 the debates between University students from Serbia and Slovakia were launched. Students from the Faculty of Political Sciences of Belgrade University argued […]