Task Force report of the project: “V4 Supporting the Economic Integration of Georgia and Moldova with the EU

Jan Marusinec was one of the key experts and authors of the following Task Force reports prepared as a part of the “V4 Supporting Economic Integration of Georgia and Moldova with the EU” project, which is being implemented with the support of the International Visegrad Fund, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands and the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs within the Extended Standard Grant Program.

Lessons Learned for Georgia: The Experience of Visegrad countries in Economic Approximation with the EU, July 2014

Brochure: DCFTA, Georgia

Lessons Learned for Moldova: The Experience of Visegrad countries on the Economic Integration into the EU, July 2014

Brochure: DCFTA, Moldova

The project aims to create a platform enabling V4 countries to share their experience about the process of economic integration with the EU with stakeholders in Georgia and Moldova. It focuses on facilitation of partnership between state and private sector essential for modernization of local economies enabling full realization of benefits offered under DCFTA. Project aims to shape up awareness and confidence of business communities in both countries in benefits of economic integration with EU.

The main goal of the project is to assist Georgian and Moldovan governments in setting up coordination frameworks with local business communities enabling effective inclusion of business communities in the processes leading to the signature of DCFTA with EU as well as its subsequent implementation. It will be important to ensure that business communities are well informed about the possibilities arising out of DCFTA as well steps they have to make in order to seize this opportunities. Governments in both Georgia and Moldova have to play the key role in ensuring close coordination and partnership with local business communities in order to decrease the risks and increase benefits associated with the initial phase of implementation of DCFTA.

The project is being implemented by the Georgian Institute for Strategic Studies (GISS) in partnership with the Foreign Policy Association of Moldova (FPA), Slovak Atlantic Commission (SAC), demosEUROPA – Centre for European Strategy, EUROPEUM Institute of European Policy and the Centre of Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy (CEID).

For detailed information about the project, as well as information about the experts involved please visit the project website: sigme-eu.com