The project managers and experts from the M.E.S.A.10 and Tatranský okrášľovací spolok visited the Peja (Kosovo) and Rožaje (Montenegro) cross-border region of Albanian Alps (Accursed Mountains) from 20 to 23 October 2014. During this trip they got acquainted with the state of trails, their marking, development of tourism plans as well as involvement of the Kosovo and Montenegro partners in the current cleaning, volunteering, promotional and construction works in the mountains. With the representatives of municipals authorities including mayors current the experts and project partners also discussed state of development of this region in general and of tourism specifically, as well as the plans for upcoming period. Technical, legal and safety issues of any interventions in the mountains were also part of discussion with different local stakeholders in both towns.
In Pristina, the M.E.S.A.10 experts learned specifics about the mountain management and nature protection in the state institutions and agencies in charge of this agenda.
As the a direct output this trip, the contact was established between the mountain professionals of Western Balkans and of V4 and the joint planning of the constructions works with the involvement of volunteers started. A significant number of Kosovo and Montenegro stakeholders that are crucial for facilitation of the technical and legal aspects of any intervention in the mountain planned within the framework of this project expressed their readiness to assist in the preparation as well as the implementation part of reconstruction and marking the trails. Also, the Kosovo and Montenegro partners learned about the management of an event including volunteers, which is a rather new concept in their mountain work.
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